Beltane Reminder
Oh Blessed Lord Herme's, I offer my thanks to you, I praise your name, and lift this page as a public offering to you.
Sinking ship religious zeal is like ash in my mouth, but who else can I turn to?
It is hard to refrain from blaming the Fates, the Gods, bad luck, anything you can possibly blame when something goes wrong.  It is also the case that we often times get more upset, angrier at the smaller things, than we do at major catastrophes.  Why is that, why do we cast our gaze to the heavens and cry out "WHY ME LORD, GODDESS SAVE ME!"  And it is even worse when we are passive aggressive about it, as if the omnipresence of the Gods don't include our mind when we are pissed off, aggravated, frustrated, or annoyed.

The kicker is, it is always the small stuff.  Grocery bags busting open in your driveway as soon as you get home, dropping a $20 down a sewer grate, breaking a window, spilling coffee on your best work shirt, CAR TROUBLE.......the little things.  Yes, these can alter our day, might be aggravagting or embarassing even - but in the end, they are just small, insignificant things that just happened.  Zeus did no sweep down from Olympus just to break down your van.  The Fates didn't weave this into the fabric of the Universe just because they are out to get you today.  Little things that are insignificant compared to your overall life - and not even a blip on the scale of time.  So why then do we seek to blame the Universe, the Gods, Luck?

Shit Happens.  It is as simple as that.  Nature takes its courese, life flows as it should, shit just happens.  It isn't bad luck, it isn't the world is out to get you, it isn't the Gods testing you or affecting your life.  Shit just happens, and the fabric of our lives is woven by our reactions to these small but frustrating things.  Find anger within you and a broken down car will make you angry.  Find the blessings, and you will find peace within you.

Blessed Hermes, God and Protector of Travelers, thank you for today's blessings.  First, it is payday, AND we just got out taxes back - so this small issue of the van breaking down just happened on the best day that it could.  Eva is in the van, not me - this is a blessing because my pain is too severe today to be sitting in a broken down van or mechanic shop, Eva has the stamina and strength to do so.  The Van broke down at the new Richland's Walmart gas station - having just opened last week everyone is in the 'please the customer' mode, and very helpful, she had access to a phone and wasn't stranded on the side of a highway.  It was on 2pm. which is a blessing because we could find a local open mechanic shop instead of being in a dead van at midnight on an empty side road.  It is Beltane, which adds the comfort of reminding me that there is fire in the beginnings of new things, and that this will all turn out ok.  We are blessed with good insurance that has roadside assistance, we have a mechanic only a few blocks away, it is overcast and cool with gentle breezes......everything that could go right has gone right and they are all blessings that I am thankful for.

Blessed Hermes, I love you, I raise your name in Thanksgiving and Praise, I know the Divine loves me and my children and I am thankful for all these blessings and more.  Gods and Goddesses - thank you all for protection and love.

Apathos Archegos
Beltane 2015
This website, has an excellent presentation of Greek Mythology, which will one day only be rivaled by my own.  For now, however, feel free to click on the link below to read up a little about the God of Travelers......and if you feel so inclined, raise a thought of Thanksgiving and Praise to Hermes, my Patron Deity and the God that brought me into my current path.  I don't believe in prayers asking for this and that - but praising is always helpful!  Thanks.